
Then God delivered geese and whales. This action was an experience similar to God delivering manna in a desert.
The Lenape history says that the number of Lenape actually multiplied! The Lenape History tells of the Lenape holding a meeting soon after they came to America.
around the southern Christian tribes. White Beaver took his band east and then south to Connecticut.

When they were at Lake Winnipeg,
The meeting of many rivers was to the east. The pleasant land was to the south.
Fled from cannibals to hide in the Niagara Cave in Minnesota. (Niagara means “Fort.”) [The cannibals appear to have been a group of people who learned to eat humans to survive in the Intermountain west during severe drought conditions. When the drought increased they migrated over the the mountain passes to the Platt River.
Then the best understanding of events is that the cannibals ate their way east, down the Platte and up the Ohio Rivers. As climate conditions improved in eastern North America, the cannibals performed ritual cannibalism to indoctrinate the younger generations that eating human flesh was OK for the survival of their society.
The Lenape were continually tested by their interaction with the cannibals. The Lenape History indicates that the Lenape often fought with them. The Lenape nearly had the cannibals contained to a region in New York, when Eurpean guns and gunpowder enabled the cannibals to conduct “training” raids to kill and eat people as far west as the Mississippi.
The brutal scorched earth tactics of the U.S. Army in 1779 appear to have ended the cannibalism training. To relate the modern Iroquois nation to the cannibals, or vice versa, is a gross error. But to suppress knowledge of the cannibals and Sullivan’s vicious tactics is also an error of historians, who write class room history. Without that knowledge the events before AD 1779 cannot be explained better.] After the cannibals passed to the east, the Lenape raised bumper crops on the Missouri. (Missouri means “Big Canoe”)
The Lenape group, who called themselves Cheyenne, thought there would be fighting if the Lenape went east. The peaceful Cheyenne turned west, up the Missouri. Most of the Lenape went east into Illinois. (Illinois means the PURE people).
The Maalan Aarum tells of a ruler, who was baptised to be “pure.”
The Lenape restored a ravaged, fearful people.
The Lenape forged a “heartland” at Miami. Ohio.
Some Lenape went east.
Blue Duck’s Shawnee group went to Mexico.The Lenape rowed boats from Miami, Florida to MAYA. MAYA means,”MY Place”)
Ralph Lane, an English commader put a loaded pistol to the head of the Lenape historian. Lane pulled the trigger! Whichever Lenape picked up the pictographs, added two lines for guns and a dot for smallpox.
The Shawnee stopped De Soto. Many of the Shawnee died of De Soto’s plague. The Spanish and English slave trade decimated the Shawnee and others in the south. The Lenape suffered through the five-year war of extermination in the James River valley. The Lenape women, who were raped, bore the children of De La Warr III’s men.
Later, new English immigrants knew what Old Norse phrases meant. They asked troubling questions about Lenape. So, the WASP leaders attempted to call all Lenape “Delaware”to hide the “Abide with the pure” meaning of “Lenape.” “Delaware” had no hint of “pure.”
When the WASPs in New England were hanging Mary Dwyer and other Quakers, Talerman, the Lenape “Speaker of the People” gave Quakers Pennsylvania, so the Quakers could live in peace “as long as the waters flowed.”
In the north, the WASPs called all Christinaux, along the south shore of Hudson Bay, “Cree.” to hide the “Christian” sounding name. The name DOES mean “Christian.” The French wrote “Christian Sea,” where, later, the English made mapmakers use “Hudson Bay.”
I am eager to debate the issue so that the Lenape (Norse Catholics) will no longer be omitted from history.
I want scholars to “lay their evidence on the table.” I want a PUBLIC discussion.
Modern anthropologists, historians, and linguists will not want to suppress knowledge.
Am I thinking correctly?
If so, please make a comment.