Originally published in Ancient American Magazine Issue #46 Last Spring, a subscriber called our attention to this remarkable photograph. Although the original print was obtained by Mr. Wayne May, no information was associated with its purchase. All we may deduce from this intriguing image is that it appears to document an actual site, apparently Read More
CATHERINE ACHOLONU, DIRECTOR – CATHERINE ACHOLONU RESEARCH CENTER, ABUJA (www.carcafriculture.org) SUMMARY: Osiris was a universal god known all over the world by different names. He was the first Christ long before the days of Jesus and Chrisna. His equivalent entity in India was Rama. He lived in Atlantis as its first priest-king. Filial rivalry Read More
by, John J White, III, Beverley H. Moseley, Jr, and Cyclone Covey Originally published in the Midwestern Epigraphic Society Newsletter, Volume 18, Number 2. A leading objective of the MES founders was the reporting of new information and interpretations that would lead to a better understanding of Ohio, Ohio River Valley, and Midwestern ancient Read More