Homer, facts or fiction? By N.R. De Graaf, The Netherlands About the naval base of the Faeakes June 2015 In 1879 mr Cailleux, a Frenchman, advanced the idea that the histories told by Homer had been enacted in the Atlantic zone of Europe. This was some decade after Schliemann told the Read More

Bronze Age Town & Gulf Ports on the Copper Trail Open-fire manufacturing of Copper Oxhides (NE Louisiana, & Mississippi c.2000-700 BC) J.S. Wakefield, jayswakefield@yahoo.com Photos coming soon, apologies from AA staff. Summary The “Late Archaic” Poverty Point earthworks in Louisiana are the earliest and largest monuments in prehistoric North America. The site Read More

Midwestern Epigraphic Society and Ancient America A small amateur organization rides the wave of discoveries that Columbus was the last to come to America by James Leslie By the early 1980s Barry Fell had published his first three books, America BC, Saga America and Bronze Age America showing evidence that Europeans had visited American years before Read More