Homer, facts or fiction? By N.R. De Graaf, The Netherlands About the naval base of the Faeakes June 2015 In 1879 mr Cailleux, a Frenchman, advanced the idea that the histories told by Homer had been enacted in the Atlantic zone of Europe. This was some decade after Schliemann told the Read More

Early New World Maps by Dr. Gunnar Thompson Early Maps of the New World The persistent academic argument concerning early voyages to the New World ends with an examination of the cartographic evidence. Maps that have been preserved in the collections of such distinguished archives as the Louvre (in Paris), the British Museum, and Read More

Here is a preview of my next article for Ancient American Ancient Fortresses of the Ohio Valley Part 3: Grave Creek Complex; Smoke and Mirrors In the first installment of this series (AA, Vol 17, Issue 101), I described two ancient fortresses, Merom Bluff and Devil’s Backbone, both in Indiana. In the second installment Read More
Missing: Prehistoric Michigan’s Half-Billion Pounds of Copper By David Hoffman AA #35 pp.18-21 Approximately 9,000 years ago, the Great Lakes achieved their current definition. Water levels would have been high near the time of the final glacier melt enabling human travel along ancient trade routes. Soil conditions indicate that at one time the Wisconsin Read More

Midwestern Epigraphic Society and Ancient America A small amateur organization rides the wave of discoveries that Columbus was the last to come to America by James Leslie By the early 1980s Barry Fell had published his first three books, America BC, Saga America and Bronze Age America showing evidence that Europeans had visited American years before Read More

Ancient Pennsylvania Oil Mines, Pre-Columbian Oil Editor’s Note: This article first appeared in Ancient American magazine Issue 97, pp12-16, used with permission. By Thomas Anderton The following article is based on the probability that Minoans from Crete were on the Upper Peninsula in Michigan mining float copper from 2450 B.C. to around 1200 Read More