Maybe something in these cards can help shed some light on who this man really was and what he really did.
Who was it that said something like, if you don’t bring back enough gold each week to fill your hands, then they’ll be cut off.
Thank you to anyone who can help with translations, or with any hidden clues.
Christophe Colomb – Veritable – “Coming Back in Chains”
Columbus Discovering America 1492 – Christopher Columbus
Esso Les Grands Explorateurs – Christopher Columbus
The Discovery of America – Ayer’s Sarsaparilla
Christopher Columbus – Urbin BGS 3.5
Heroes of History – Christopher Columbus
1973 Brooke Bond Christopher Columbus
1961 Domino Cigarettes #24 Christopher Columbus PSA 8
1901 Ogden’s Ltd Christopher Columbus Guinea Gold-F Base PSA 4
A few articles from 10/13/14: