by, Beverley H Moseley, Jr. and John J White, III Originally published in The Midwestern Epigraphic Society Journal It is possible to argue that Robert Martin Gosling (1904-1964) was the greatest field archaeologist and naturalist in Ohio History. This self-educated genius from an enlightened Lancaster, Ohio family (father and four brothers) was a career Read More

by, Jim Burchell John Young of London, Kentucky found this pipe under a rock shelter in Clay County, Kentucky. He brought it to me for examination. The pipe was broken but I was able to piece it together and trace the writings that were on it.There were two Ogam scrips on it. The bottom of Read More

Dear Editor, I am Hezekiah Hensley and I have decided to write an article about a natural winter solstice alignment site I discovered. It is a small cave located in the Red Bird River Valley in Eastern Clay County that aligns to the winter solstice. I was at this cave back in the 1990’s with Read More