by, Beverley H Moseley, Jr. and John J White, III Originally published in The Midwestern Epigraphic Society Journal It is possible to argue that Robert Martin Gosling (1904-1964) was the greatest field archaeologist and naturalist in Ohio History. This self-educated genius from an enlightened Lancaster, Ohio family (father and four brothers) was a career Read More

My article to the French organization and mining engineer and philosopher, Dominiqule Tassot is attached. Some minor additions are in red and an important epilogue I wrote 3/12/14 are in green. by Hugh Miller Reflections on Oral and Poster Presentations of Percent of Modern C-14 (pmC) Content Studies of Dinosaur Bones given at the Read More

Rare Genes from History Revisited by, Donald Yates Check Out DNA Fingerprint Plus $300 It’s been a year and a half since DNA Consultants introduced Rare Genes from History. We republish here the original press release from October 2012 as a means of familiarizing new and old customers with this unique autosomal marker test, exclusive to our company. Purchase now Read More

Originally published in Ancient American magazine. by Ross Hamilton Long ago in central North America, there was a great civil war. It was a war owning many battles, and had an incredible loss of life. It wasn’t the North versus the South, although it sponsored a confederacy against a union. It probably spanned the geography Read More

First published in Ancient American magazine and later in Nexus magazine. by Ross Hamilton Noted Native American author and professor of law emeritus, Vine Deloria, writes in a personal communication: It’s probably better that so few of the ruins and remains were tied in with the Smithsonian because they give good reason to believe Read More

The third chapter of Donald Yates’ history of the Cherokee (Old World Roots of the Cherokee, McFarland 2012) contains the genetic story of the Cherokee Indians based on DNA Consultants’ 2009 study “Anomalous Mitochondrial DNA in the Cherokee,” but it is no easy read, being written for an academic audience. Earlier this year Yates published a condensation of Read More