
Tainter Cave – Rock Art Preservation

Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center Tainter Cave – Rock Art Preservation December 29, 2016 Vandalism to rock art is a huge problem throughout the world. This irreplaceable art is destroyed by people carving or spray painting modern names, dates, and symbols over or near rock art. While most people would never intentionally damage ancient art, a Read More

The Tucson Artifacts A Photography Album with Transcriptions and Translations of the Medieval Latin

Dear Colleague, Rob Hyde and I have published our “study volume” of the Tucson Artifacts. This collection of plates, texts and translations brings to general scholarly notice solid archeological and literary proof of Old World influences and settlements in pre-Columbian America. It is available to preview or order only by special invitation and by going Read More

Projectile Point Petroglyphs of the Coso Range: Chronology and Function

Signed book above is available directly from the author. For more information in acquiring the dvd and joining the California Rock Art Foundation click here or to purchase at The Bradshaw Foundation click here Alan P. Garfinkel, Ph.D. Principal Archaeologist UltraSystems Environmental   Founder and Director California Rock Art Foundation   By: Alan P. Read More

Summary of “A Seafarer’s Decoding of the Irish Symbols: 3200 BCE” Donald J. McMahon Symbologist/Researcher The seafarer was born, sailed the oceans, and generated symbols as a testament to the journeys undertaken. The seafarer connected the star dots. The god was the sun, and the goddess was Venus, and every eight years they unite. They shared equal attention by the ancient civilizations. Water flowed and Read More

Paradigm Shifts, Rock Art Studies, and the “Coso Sheep Cult” of Eastern California

Revised and Updated: By Alan P. Garfinkel, Ph.D.  December 2014   Originally published in: North American Archaeologist, Spring 2007 Edition Alan P. Garfinkel, Ph.D. Principal Archaeologist UltraSystems Environmental   Founder and Director California Rock Art Foundation     ABSTRACT One of the more spectacular expressions of prehistoric rock art in Read More

Ships of the Giants?

by, William Olivadoti In general, a work, by an amateur, which  attempts to show parallels and similarities between distant and diverse cultures, in both time and space, culminating in which appear to be evidentiary clues in both  archival and geographic form, which could be postulated to possibly substantiate those connections of cultures. In particular, a pattern Read More

The Reconstruction and Archaeoastronomy of a Hopewell Geometric Earthwork in Ohio

  by Richard D. Moats Overview: The Salisbury brothers authored a paper in 1862 describing several archaeological sites in Ohio. One was an “Ancient Symbolic Earth Works” in Northern Perry County. The paper included a narrative and plot map of a hill top earthwork and three associated features. They recorded linear measurements, angles of intersection, Read More