by, Warren W Dexter Originally published in The Midwestern Epigraphic Journal [Editor’s Note: In MEJ 17(1) we celebrated the distin-guished photographic career of Warren W Dexter. I worked on his writeup first because I had the privelage of visiting with him. His earlier work, however, was a team effort with out present honoree Dr Read More

By Chao C. Chien Originally published by Diogenes In a recent BBC News posting a famous medieval map was once more marveled at. This is the famous 1507 “Map of America” by the German cartographer Waldseemuller (See The 1507 Waldseemuller World Map South America This map is famous on account of Read More

CATHERINE ACHOLONU, DIRECTOR – CATHERINE ACHOLONU RESEARCH CENTER, ABUJA ( SUMMARY: Osiris was a universal god known all over the world by different names. He was the first Christ long before the days of Jesus and Chrisna. His equivalent entity in India was Rama. He lived in Atlantis as its first priest-king. Filial rivalry Read More