Dear Colleague, Rob Hyde and I have published our “study volume” of the Tucson Artifacts. This collection of plates, texts and translations brings to general scholarly notice solid archeological and literary proof of Old World influences and settlements in pre-Columbian America. It is available to preview or order only by special invitation and by going Read More

By, Cyclone Covey. Originally published in The Midwestern Epigraphic Society Volume 16 The Latin Texts told–in halting Classical clauses but in more characteristically Medieval handling–of a “kingdom” of Jews who traced their antecedents back to the mighty King Benjamin who had been brought to Rome from the Seine to build Aurelian’s Wall and later Read More

Early New World Maps by Dr. Gunnar Thompson Early Maps of the New World The persistent academic argument concerning early voyages to the New World ends with an examination of the cartographic evidence. Maps that have been preserved in the collections of such distinguished archives as the Louvre (in Paris), the British Museum, and Read More